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Monday, March 7, 2016


PlayStation appeared to have a clear vision on how to plan for better profits in the future. In the short run, Sony is working on developing more top-notch games with even more advanced graphics from time to time. Also, once every few months, the consoles receive an automatic systems update. The updates have a purpose of providing better security and newer versions of specific programs that run better. In the long run, this firm is working on developing newer console models that would best fit the consumers' needs. For example, the PSP Go device surpassed the first PSP model because it is lighter, have more memory, and have a larger screen. Currently, PlayStation plans on releasing an even newer version of the PSP, which would be touch screen compatible. The older PlayStation models would still attract consumers once the newer products get released because the prices for the older versions would be cut down even more. Another example can be seen through PlayStation 3 which entitled as the new era of gaming has lead Sony to produce the next gen console which are PlayStation 4 in 2013. Due to that, the improvement in graphics, memory, Dual shock 4 are rapidly increased the amount of consumers who bought the product in distant time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow the old version of playstation is so authentic and vintage! So cool!
