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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


The graphics from 1994 to 2013 has changed due to the processor used in the console devices. This have changed all the graphics to be more better as it allowed consumers to play them in better visual interface like the real world . The graphics for PS3 and PS4 used the cable of HMDI that support the video games to be played in full hd 1080p and 1080i. However both seems to be varied because PS4 has put an AMD APU of x86-64 with 8 jaguar cores and a GPU of 1.84 TFLOPS by AMD Radeon Graphics Core Next engine processor unit that clearly improved the graphics and make it more details in view. The console itself featured 8GB of GDDR5 memory and built in hard drive and HDMI port provided to make the consumers feel the ideal of gaming experience in true high definition.

  •  The picture below stressed out the comparison :

The video below show the strength and comparison graphics between the Sony PlayStation Console from PS1 UNTIL PS4 :


1 comment:

  1. wow amazing! we can see the difference here, it does improves a lot in terms of graphic.wahhh
