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Thursday, March 3, 2016



 Best games ever in PlayStation consoles history

In featuring Sony own production games for it playstation console series, sony published many amazing games for every PlayStation consoles. As you  can see above, these are some games that stated as the best game series ever in SCEA production where many consumers delighted to play the games, Some consumer tended to wait for the new game series  from SCEA every year. In addition, many claimed SCEA produced games that fulfilled the consumer's consumption and needs and this is because the game play, skills, movements and graphics presents outrageous view in gaming. SCEA games also possessed different graphics to be compared with SEGA, KONAMI, SNK and so on. Why I said so? The reason that I could say is I owned Playstation 3 and 4 and everytime I examined games when i played different companies games. At the same time, I compared SCEA to other companies like I repeated earlier and found myself that SCEA own production games to playstation was far beyond the others. To be deduced, SCEA is better company games production all this while as they never run out disappointed game product to the customer  until  now. The other gamers in internet also assumed SCEA games such as God of War is one of the best game ever produced by the company.


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